Case Integrations
A new matter in Lawcus Immigration Practice Area creates the same case in FastVisa.
The Case created in Lawcus looks like this in FastVisa. The case coming from Lawcus has the Lawcus icon next to the case.
You can view matters created in Lawcus by applying the Lawcus Matters filter
You can sync FastVisa activity and updates to Lawcus by clicking Update to Lawcus. The update to Lawcus icon is in the case list.

Client Integrations
A new Contact/Client in Lawcus creates the same client in FastVisa
The Contact created in Lawcus looks like this in FastVisa. The client coming from Lawcus has the Lawcus icon next to the case. The phone number and address in FastVisa are synced as the main home phone number and the main address in Lawcus.
You can view contacts created in Lawcus by applying the Lawcus contact filter.
You can sync FastVisa activity and updates to Lawcus by clicking Update to Lawcus. The update to Lawcus icon is in the client list.

Send Documents
You can send USCIS Form and Supporting Document to Lawcus as a File in Lawcus Matters. Simply click the “send to Lawcus” button in USCIS/DS PDF module or Supporting Documents Module.
To view documents in Lawcus, you can go to matters in Lawcus, then click Files. A new file name is created when you send a form/document from FastVisa to Lawcus.

Connect FastVisa to Lawcus
Step 1:
From the integration page, click Lawcus Connect button.
Step 2:
Click Connect to Lawcusr button to sync FV with Lawcus.
Step 3:
Login to your Lawcus Account
Step 4:
On the integration page, select Lawcus as your primary general case management.

Disconnect FastVisa to Lawcuss
Step 1:
From the Integration page, click the Right Arrow button in Lawcus.
Step 2:
Click Connect to Lawcus button in the top right side of the Lawcus Connect Guide page.
Once you’ve click it, FastVisa will be Disconnected with Lawcus Account. This will delete the Case & Client connection between FastVisa and Lawcus. The connection cannot be restored, it will make a new connection if you reconnect again anytime.